kirimase generate
The kirimase generate
command quickly scaffolds models, views, and controllers (API / tRPC routes).
Kirimase generate deepdive
Execute the following command within your Next.js project directory:
kirimase generate
- Models: Creates model with necessary configurations, relations, and validations.
- Controllers: Generates controllers with options to integrate tRPC and/or API routes.
- Views: Scaffolds views using Shadcn-UI, enabling immediate CRUD operations.
Generating models, views, and controllers within a project:
cd your-nextjs-project
kirimase generate
ℹ Quickly generate your Model (Drizzle schema + queries / mutations), Controllers (API Routes and TRPC Routes), and Views 19:11:01
? Please select the resources you would like to generate: Model, TRPC Route, Views + Components (with Shadcn UI, requires TRPC route)
? Please enter the table name (plural and in snake_case): authors
? Please select the type of this field: string
? Please enter the field name (in snake_case): name
? Is this field required? yes
? Would you like to add another field? yes
? Please select the type of this field: number
? Please enter the field name (in snake_case): birth_year
? Is this field required? no
? Would you like to add another field? no
? Would you like to set up an index? no
✔ Added Author to Prisma schema 19:13:12
✔ File replaced at prisma/schema.prisma 19:13:12
ℹ Updated Prisma schema 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/lib/db/schema/authors.ts 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/lib/server/routers/authors.ts 19:13:12
✔ File replaced at src/lib/server/routers/_app.ts 19:13:12
✔ Added 'authors' router to the root tRPC router successfully. 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/app/authors/page.tsx 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/components/authors/AuthorList.tsx 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/components/authors/AuthorForm.tsx 19:13:12
✔ File created at src/components/authors/AuthorModal.tsx 19:13:12
Check out demos and tutorials to see a live example