The Tutorial

Kirimase: The Tutorial

Note: this tutorial will probably take about an hour to get through start to finish.

Hello! 👋

In this tutorial, we are going to build a minimal Linktree clone with Next.js and Kirimase. The aim of this tutorial is to give you an introduction to Kirimase, the commands, and a basic understanding of what code is being generated. Ultimately, I hope to show you how Kirimase can help you go from idea to MVP in a fraction of the time.

While this tutorial will take roughly an hour to get through, once you are familiar with how the package works, you can get this entire project done in 8 minutes (opens in a new tab)! With Kirimase, you can build at the speed of thought.

Before we start, let’s briefly discuss what we want to build and the stack we are going to use.

Core Features

  • allow users to:
    • make an account
    • create a “page”
    • create “links” for that page
    • share the page with the world on a custom link (ie.
  • require users to pay to
    • share the page
    • change the color of the page

The Stack

So, what stack are we going to use? For this tutorial, I wanted to keep things as simple as possible as the aim is to learn how to use Kirimase, rather than the underlying tools (and their respective platforms). With that in mind, each tool (besides Stripe) will be able to run locally without any extra setup. I would suggest to stick to the tools used in this tutorial to make it as simple to follow along as possible, and then experiment afterwards :)

So, the stack:

  • Component Library - Shadcn
  • ORM - Drizzle powered by SQLite
  • Authentication - Lucia
  • Payments - Stripe

Sound good? Let’s get cracking!

Project Setup

We are going to be using PNPM for this tutorial. While I love Bun, and use it for most of my projects, you can run into compatibility issues every now and then with it. So, PNPM it is. Let’s scaffold our first project!

Create Next App

Unlike other boilerplates, Kirimase aims to modularise each component (package) within the stack. To get started, let’s create a new Next.js app using create-next-app.

pnpm create next-app kirimase-tutorial --ts --app --tailwind

Note: Kirimase only works with the App directory and Typescript, so be sure to include the flags above or select yes during configuration.

Now that your new project has been created, change into the new directory.

cd kirimase-tutorial

Initialise Kirimase

Once in the new directory, run the following command:

pnpm dlx kirimase@latest init

Note: this tutorial is using version 0.0.54. Please make sure you are using that version or higher. You can check your version by running pnpm dlx kirimase@latest -V

  1. For component library, select Shadcn UI (with next-themes)
  2. For ORM, select Drizzle
  3. For DB Type, select SQLite
  4. For DB Provider, select better-sqlite3
  5. For Authentication, select Lucia

Then hit your enter key to proceed with the configuration and installation.

You should see the installation begin, first installing relevant packages, then installing a few Shadcn-UI components.

Once the installation is complete, you should see the following in your terminal: note: if the formatting looks strange, be sure to zoom out and extend the width of your terminal.

Installation Complete: Next Steps

Great! Believe it or not, the base of your app is fully installed and configured already 🤯

Let’s test things out to make sure it all works (hint: it does 😊). To do so, we will follow the instructions listed in the next steps section:

  1. check the .env file to see if we need to add any secrets. Given we are using SQLite, Kirimase has already set the DATABASE_URL variable to sqlite.db so no further actions are required.
  2. Next we will run the following commands
    1. pnpm run db:generate - this command will generate our first database migration
    2. pnpm run db:push - this command will push the changes described in the migration file to your database
  3. Now we can run pnpm run dev and open http://localhost:3000 to see our configured application.

Navigating our new app

At the root route you will see a very basic landing page. This was generated using We won’t touch it in this tutorial but it is intended to give you a head start for your product. The page is responsive but requires you update the copy and styling.

Ok let’s click the sign in link in the top right hand corner, this will take you to /sign-in. Now, we obviously don’t have an account yet, so let’s click “Create an account” which will take you to /sign-up. Put in some dummy credentials and then sign up. In this case, I will use: test as my username and test123 as my password. Awesome! You should be redirected to /dashboard and you should see a JSON representation of your session.

By default, Kirimase scaffolds three main “authenticated” routes (authenticated means they are only accessible if you are signed in):

  • dashboard
  • account
  • settings

Try visiting the account page by clicking the “Account” button in the sidebar. Here there are two “Account Cards”, one for setting your name and the other for setting your email. If you are using a managed authentication provider like Clerk or Kinde, these inputs will likely already have a value present, and the inputs will be disabled by default. This is because the data is managed by the provider, rather than your application.

Try updating your name. You’ll notice that that there is a nice loading state on the button when you click or hit enter, and then a toast is presented in the bottom right hand corner. This is enabled by Shadcn UI and Sonner. How nice! You can also update your email while you’re there. Note: these components are in the account route directory (app/(app)/account/)

Great! So your account is now set up, and the details are automatically available in the session object across your application.

Now let’s click on “Settings” in the sidebar. You should see three buttons, Light, Dark, and System. Toggle them and move around the app if you haven’t already 😊. You should see the entire application is themed by default. How cool!

Awesome, so, with just one terminal command, we’ve gone from a blank Next.js project, to a full-stack application with a database, ORM set up, and authentication. Pretty nice, right?

Kirimase Init: What's Going On?

Let’s head back to the editor and see what’s been generated and how it’s structured.

Let’s start with the package.json. To help speed up our work with Drizzle, Kirimase has configured a few additional scripts:

  "db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate:sqlite",
  "db:migrate": "tsx src/lib/db/migrate.ts",
  "db:drop": "drizzle-kit drop",
  "db:pull": "drizzle-kit introspect:sqlite",
  "db:push": "drizzle-kit push:sqlite",
  "db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio",
  "db:check": "drizzle-kit check:sqlite"

We already used two of them, db:generate and db:push. We won’t be using any more of these in the tutorial but please see Drizzle’s documentation for more details if you are interested.

Directory Structure

Ok, next, let’s dive into the directory structure. There are four main top level directories

  • app
  • components
  • config
  • lib


Let’s start with app. This is the entry point for your Next.js application and works exactly as you would expect. Next.js uses file-based routing, so you can create a new route by creating a folder with your desired route name (in snake-case) and then add a page.tsx in that directory. That page.tsx needs to default export a function that returns some JSX.

If you open the app directory, you will see 3 directories and five files

  • (app)/ - route group containing all of your authenticated routes
  • (auth)/ - route group containing all routes managing sign-in / sign-out
  • api/ - directory with your api routes
  • favicon.ico - favicon
  • globals.css - global styles for the app
  • layout.tsx - root layout for the app
  • loading.tsx - component that will be rendered in place of children when page is loading
  • page.tsx - root page (landing page)

Kirimase utilises a new Next.js feature (introduced with the App router) called route groups as a way to organise logic and routes in your application. As per the Next.js docs:

In the app directory, nested folders are normally mapped to URL paths. However, you can mark a folder as a Route Group to prevent the folder from being included in the route's URL path. This allows you to organize your route segments and project files into logical groups without affecting the URL path structure. (opens in a new tab)

Route groups also introduce a new feature called shared layouts, which allow you to create a layout.tsx in the root of the route group (eg. (app)/layout.tsx) and it will be shared across all routes within that directory. This also means that you now have an easy way to run code for specific routes without having to resort to introducing middleware. Very cool. We won’t dive into the specific code within these layouts, but know that Kirimase uses layout groups to both share styles (ie. app the skeleton with sidebar and navbar) for any sub route and authentication logic (ie. calling checkAuth() to ensure there is a session). Kirimase scaffolds two route groups: (app) which has all of your app routes, and (auth) which has sign-in and sign-up routes.

Moving on, we have the api directory. In Next.js, you can define an api route in a similar fashion to creating a page. You first create a directory with the name you want for the endpoint and then create a file within that directory using the reserved file name route.ts. In that file you need to export an async function that is named an HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) and that will then handle that method on that route. Simple.

For our configuration, Kirimase has scaffolded 4 endpoints: account, sign-in, sign-out, sign-up. These are self explanatory and we won’t dive into that code in this tutorial.

Finally we have the files in the app directory. These are self-explanatory and standard in all Next.js applications. The one addition to this group is the loading.tsx. This makes use of another amazing Next.js app router feature:

The special file loading.js [or loading.tsx] helps you create meaningful Loading UI with React Suspense (opens in a new tab). With this convention, you can show an instant loading state (opens in a new tab) from the server while the content of a route segment loads. The new content is automatically swapped in once rendering is complete.

In this case, Kirimase scaffolds a very basic loading spinner that will be centered on the page.


Moving on: Components. This directory is self-explanatory: it houses all of your (shared) components. I say “shared” because Next.js allows you to define components within the directory of a route and that is a convention followed for any components that will only be used on that route. So for example, the /account route has a few components that are only used on that page and therefore “housed” within that directory so as to not clog the components directory. Note: the ui is a reserved directory that houses all shadcn-ui components. Any additional components installed via the shadcn-ui cli will be added directly there.


Moving on to the config directory, this is again quite self-explanatory. This houses one file in our case: nav.ts. This file controls the items in your sidebar. We will see how Kirimase will add to this file later on the in the tutorial.


Finally, we have the lib directory. This is an important one, so buckle up.

  • api/ - directory containing service functions for your entities
  • auth/ - directory containing everything auth-related
  • db/ - directory containing everything db-related (schema, migrations, db instantiation)
  • env.mjs - type-safe environment variables
  • utils.ts - common functions used across your app

We have 3 directories here (api, auth, db) and then 2 files (env.mjs, utils.ts). Let’s start with the files because they are easy to understand.

env.mjs acts as a typesafe layer to access your environment variables. It makes use of t3-oss/env which is a great package created and maintained by the t3 team. Big shoutout to t3!

Next, we have utils.ts. This houses two functions: cn() which is used for merging tailwind classes and nanoid() which is used to create CUIDs for our schema models which we will create later with Kirimase’s generate command. Broadly speaking, this is a good place for any generic functions that you need to reuse across your application.

Now, onto the directories. Starting with api, this is currently empty, but will later house query and mutation functions to interact with our underlying data models. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense right now, we will dive into it later on.

auth houses all of the logic pertaining to authentication within our app. The file to focus on here is utils.ts. This file will be present regardless of authentication provider you use and will always have three things: an AuthSession type, a getUserAuth() function and a checkAuth() function. The AuthSession type defines the session object throughout the object and is super helpful when you need to pass down the session into a child component and need to type it. The getUserAuth() function will return the current session. This is an asynchronous function and can be used across your application on the server. Finally, checkAuth() is a nice helper function that get’s the current session, and if it doesn’t exist, then it will redirect the client to /sign-in. This function is used in the root (app) layout to ensure navigating within that route-group must be authenticated! Again, note, these functions will be available and function identically regardless of authentication provider you use. How nice is that!

Finally we have the db directory. Again, a lot going on here, so buckle up. This folder is exactly what it says on the tin: it houses everything related to your database. So, given we are using Drizzle for this project we have 1) a /migrations directory which houses, you guessed it, our migrations; 2) a /schema directory which houses, (hope you’re catching on?) our schemas; 3) our index.ts which handles the instantiation of the db object you will use across your application; 4) and finally a migrate.ts file that handles all the migration logic. Simple, right? You probably won’t need to dive into any of this except for the schema directory. At the moment we only have auth.ts, and this is the schema that provides the data model for Lucia.

OK! Whew! We got through pretty much everything that was done during the initial configuration process. Quite a lot right? I hope this already shows you how awesome Kirimase is and how much time it can save. But, we haven’t even scratched the surface 😊

Next up, let’s look at Kirimase’s generate feature.

Kirimase Generate

The Problem

So, in case you forgot, we are planning on building a Linktree clone. The typical approach to building this out would probably see us start with defining the data model, create a new schema, writing a few api routes for basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) actions, then building a basic form and firing off our first post request. I don’t know about you, but that process usually takes me more time than I’m comfortable admitting and usually leads to a handful of bugs and shoddy code.

me 2 hours into building my $1bn todo app debugging zod errors

There is a Better Way

Enter Kirimase’s generate command. Let’s see what all the hype is about.

First let’s quickly define our data model. We’re going to have two models with the following fields:

  • a page
    • name: string
    • description: string
    • public: boolean
    • slug: string (unique)
    • backgroundColor: string (default: #688663)
  • a link
    • title: string
    • url: string
    • pageId: relation to a page

Pretty basic, but should do the job.

Running our First Generate Command

Open your terminal and run:

pnpm dlx kirimase@latest generate

Note: this tutorial is using version 0.0.54. Please make sure you are using that version or higher. You can check your version by running pnpm dlx kirimase@latest -V

Prompt and Response


Note: Take your time when filling in these prompts. It's easy to make a mistake and then have to start again. In case you do make a mistake, hit ctrl+c to exit the prompt and start again.

Select the following options:

  1. For the resource type: select Model, Controller and View. You can quickly select all by hitting i on your keyboard, or by hitting the spacebar on each option
  2. For the type of view, select “Server Actions with Optimistic UI”
  3. For additional controllers: hit space bar to add API Route [defining first model]
  4. enter pages as the table name
    1. select string for the type of field
    2. enter name for field name
    3. hit enter key to confirm this field is required
    4. hit y then enter to add another field
    5. field 2 - string - description - required - add another field
    6. field 3 - boolean - public - required - add another field
    7. field 4 - string - slug - required - add another field
    8. field 5 - string - background_color - required - no additional fields
    9. index - no
    10. timestamps - yes
    11. belongs to the user - yes
    12. child model - yes
  5. table name - page_links
    1. field 1 - string - title - required - add another field
    2. field 2 - string - url - required - no additional fields
    3. index - no
    4. timestamps - yes
    5. belongs to the user - yes
    6. child model - no
  6. Child Model (page_links) - no
  7. Child Model (pages) - no
  8. Add Pages to sidebar - yes
  9. Add Page Links to sidebar - no

At the end your terminal should look like this. We're ideating on alternative UIs for this so pls don't yell at us.


You’ll notice that we didn’t call the second model "links". This is due to Link being a reserved word in Next.js and can cause some issues. You'll also notice that we didn't define a field for pageId. This is because Kirimase automatically creates this for us when we defined the page_links as a child model of pages. How cool!

Small Changes to Schema

Great! Let’s make a few small changes to the schema before we run the next steps. Let’s head to lib/db/schema/pages.ts. We’re going to make three small changes.

Replace public, slug, and backgroundColor with the lines highlighted below so the pages schema should now look like this should look like this:

//... your imports
export const pages = sqliteTable("pages", {
  id: text("id")
    .$defaultFn(() => nanoid()),
  name: text("name").notNull(),
  description: text("description").notNull(),
  public: integer("public", { mode: "boolean" }).notNull().default(false),
  slug: text("slug").notNull().unique(),
  backgroundColor: text("background_color").notNull().default("#688663"),
// of your code

These changes are very simple. First we add a default value for public of false. Then we set a unique constraint on the slug field, meaning there will never be a duplicate value in the slug field across the table. This is important as the slug will be the url for our users’ shared pages. Finally we set a default colour for the background. This is a feature we will be putting behind a paywall so we want to set a default color.

Push Changes to DB and Run App

Done! Let’s now run the commands listed in the next steps:

pnpm run db:generate
pnpm run db:push
pnpm run dev

Head over to http://localhost:3000/dashboard (opens in a new tab) and let’s see what’s changed.

You should now see a new section in your Sidebar called “Entities” with an element called “Pages”. Click on it. This should push you to /pages where you should find a new UI that looks like this:

Add your first page

- Name: Kirimase Resources
- Description: Helpful resources for Kirimase
- Public: unchecked
- Slug: kirimase
- Background Color: empty

Hit enter and woah, check out that success toast. Pretty clean right!

Error Handling Out of the Box

Now try creating a new page with the same slug (for me “kirimase”).

Woahh! Error handling built in. Passed directly to the user. How awesome is that?

Ok let’s exit out the modal and head into our first page (click the edit button). Awesome. You should see a JSON representation of your Page as well as an edit button and your pages’ links below.

Hit the edit button and try editing the page to see what happens. Full CRUD actions (with Optimistic UI), ready to go, right out the box! How sweet is that!

Client Side Form Validations

Let’s show off one more cool feature that’s ready to go instantly: form validations.

Let’s jump back to the editor. You should already have the schema/pages.ts file open from earlier. Let’s go down to insertPageParams variable and change it to be the following:

export const insertPageParams = baseSchema
    public: z.coerce.boolean(),
    slug: z
      .min(5, { message: "Your slug must be at least 5 characters long." }),
    id: true,
    userId: true,

Save, head back to the browser and refresh the page (you may need to rerun your dev server). Click edit and then remove the text from your slug field.

Form Validation working with one line of code! No extra libraries. How cool is that?!?

Adding Our Links

While we are on our Page, let's add two links. I’ve added:

Wait, Hold Up

Ok. Let’s pause real quick.

We ran one command, and we have a working full stack application that lets us create a page and add links to it. And it just works?

Is this just some library that abstracts everything away into a pretty function call and then hides it all deep in the cauldrons of NPM somewhere?


You can think of Kirimase a bit like Shadcn UI but for full-stack Next.js development: it takes a lot of boring, verbose, error-prone boilerplate, generates it for you with best practices in mind, and then leaves it for you to do with it as you please. No external dependencies, no abstractions, just code. - me

So let’s dive in.

Kirimase Generate: What's Going On?

As you saw in the first prompt of the generate command, Kirimase separates resources into three types: models, controllers, and views. Now for those who are about to yell at me for using MVC, hold up. Kirimase doesn’t use an MVC architecture, it’s just a helpful way to group the various files that Kirimase generates. With that out the way, let’s define these resources:

  • model - everything related to your data model (schema - definition of your data, service functions - queries and mutations for basic CRUD operations)
  • controller - the interface between models and views (api routes, trpc routes, server actions). This covers anything that allows you to call service functions from your frontend
  • views - pretty self explanatory (routes and components for displaying and interacting with your data)

Make sense?

It created how many files?

With that in mind, let’s look at everything that’s been created, grouped into MVC.


  • lib/db/schema/pages.ts - page schema
  • lib/api/pages/queries.ts - service functions for querying pages
  • lib/api/pages/mutations.ts - service functions for mutating pages
  • lib/db/schema/pageLinks.ts - pageLinks schema
  • lib/api/pageLinks/queries.ts - service functions for querying pageLinks
  • lib/api/pageLinks/mutations.ts - service functions for mutating pageLinks


  • lib/actions/pages.ts - server actions for pages (create, update, delete)
  • lib/actions/pageLinks.ts - server actions for pageLinks (create, update, delete)
  • app/api/pages/route.ts - api route for mutating pages (create, update, delete)
  • app/api/pageLinks/route.ts - api route for mutating pages (create, update, delete)


  • app/(app)/pages/page.tsx - root pages route
  • app/(app)/pages/useOptimisticPages.tsx - hook that enables optimistic ui for root pages route
  • app/(app)/pages/[pageId]/page.tsx - route for specific page
  • app/(app)/pages/[pageId]/OptimisticPage.tsx - component manages optimistic ui for specific page
  • app/(app)/pages/[pageId]/[pageLinkId]/page.tsx - route for specific page link
  • app/(app)/page-links/page.tsx - root pageLinks route
  • app/(app)/page-links/useOptimisticPageLinks.tsx - hook that enables optimistic ui for root pageLinks route
  • app/(app)/page-links/[pageLinkId]/page.tsx - route for specific page link
  • app/(app)/page-links/[pageLinkId]/OptimisticPageLink.tsx - component manages optimistic ui for specific page links
  • components/pages/PageForm.tsx - reusable form component that can be used to create or edit a page
  • components/pageLinks/PageLinkForm.tsx - reusable form component that can be used to create or edit a page link
  • components/pages/PageList.tsx - component that lists all page links
  • components/pageLinks/PageLinkList.tsx - component that lists all page links


These are components that will be generated during your first generate command and shared across generated entities.

  • components/shared/Modal.tsx - a modal to use across your application. Most frequently used to house form components above
  • components/shared/BackButton.tsx - component that incorporates some magic to ensure that the address is always correct for the context (ie. If you are in /pages/asksld/page-links/sdkfl, go back to /pages/asksld or if you are in /page-links/sdkfl, go back to /page-links)
  • lib/hooks/useValidatedForm.tsx - hook that provides easy client side validations that we saw in an earlier step

Holy smokes. That’s a lot of code.

But don’t run away! While it may seem intimidating, I can assure you that once you familiarise yourself with the basic structure, it’s quite intuitive. With that out of the way, let’s get back to building!

Let's Build

Let’s make a quick checklist of everything we need to do to get this working:

  • add a new dynamic route /share/:slug for the shareable page
  • remove public and backgroundColor fields from pageForm (we want to gate these features)
  • add and configure Stripe
  • add a new component for users to toggle their page public

Dynamic Route

Ok. Let’s start with the dynamic route. Let’s think through this todo items in three basic steps. First, the model, then the controller, then the view (noticing a pattern here?). For the model, we need to think about the data we will need for the page. In this case, we will need to fetch a page (and its links) by its slug.

Adding a new query

So, first stop: lib/api/pages/queries.ts. You’ll notice the file already has three functions getPages, getPageById, and getPageByIdWithPageLinks. From the looks of things, all we need to do is copy the getPageByIdWithPageLinks function, update the argument to slug instead of id, remove the call to getUserAuth, remove the userId from the where clause, and then update the other where condition to search for the slug rather than the id. Pretty simple right? So add the following function to the end of your file.

export const getPageBySlugWithPageLinks = async (slug: PageSlug) => {
  const { slug: pageSlug } = pageSlugSchema.parse({ slug });
  const rows = await db
    .select({ page: pages, pageLink: pageLinks })
    .where(eq(pages.slug, pageSlug))
    .leftJoin(pageLinks, eq(, pageLinks.pageId));
  if (rows.length === 0) return {};
  const p = rows[0].page;
  const pp = rows
    .filter((r) => r.pageLink !== null)
    .map((p) => p.pageLink) as CompletePageLink[];
  return { page: p, pageLinks: pp };

Note you will have some errors with pageSlugSchema and PageSlug. Let’s go create them quickly.

Head over to lib/db/schema/pages.ts

  1. add the following below the pageIdSchema
export const pageIdSchema = baseSchema.pick({ id: true });
export const pageSlugSchema = baseSchema.pick({ slug: true });
  1. add the following below PageId
export type PageId = z.infer<typeof pageIdSchema>["id"];
export type PageSlug = z.infer<typeof pageSlugSchema>["slug"];

Hold it. Make sure to head back to your queries file and import them which should resolve the errors.

Next up, the route!

The Route

Create a new file at the following location: app/(shared)/share/[slug]/page.tsx.

Eagle-eyed viewers will notice we are making use of a new route-group here (shared). This means we don’t have to worry about changing our root layout or removing any calls to getting the user session as it’s a completely independent route! Easy. Now, add the following code to that route:

import { getPageBySlugWithPageLinks } from "@/lib/api/pages/queries";
import { HomeIcon } from "lucide-react";
import Link from "next/link";
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
export default async function SharedPage({
}: {
  params: { slug: string };
}) {
  const { page, pageLinks } = await getPageBySlugWithPageLinks(params.slug);
  if (page === undefined) notFound();
  if (page.public === false) return <main>This page is not public</main>;
  return (
      <div className="flex flex-col bg-[#708238] h-screen items-center justify-center py-8 px-4 text-center">
        <header className="mb-10">
          <div className="flex justify-center">
            <div className="w-24 h-24 rounded-full bg-gray-300" />
          <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mt-4 text-white">{}</h1>
          <p className="text-white">{page.description}</p>
        <nav className="flex-1 w-full max-w-md flex flex-col gap-4">
          { => (
            <Link key={} href={l.url}>
              <div className="flex items-center gap-4 p-4 rounded-lg border border-gray-300 bg-white hover:bg-gray-200 transition-all duration-300">
                <HomeIcon className="text-gray-500 w-5 h-5" />
                <span className="text-gray-800">{l.title}</span>

This page is pretty straightforward. We take in the params (in this case slug). We then make a call to the new query function we just created, which will return a page and pageLinks. We first check if the page is undefined, which will throw a 404 thanks to the Next.js notFound function. We then do a check to see if the page is not public, which will return text saying the page is not public. Finally, assuming it is defined and public, we render the linktree page itself, displaying the page details at the top and then mapping through the links and displaying them below.

Great! So we can check the shareable page off the list.

  • add a new dynamic route /share/:slug for the shareable page
  • remove public and backgroundColor fields from pageForm (we want to gate these features)
  • add and configure Stripe
  • add a new component for users to toggle their page public

Updating PageForm

Onto the next task which is to remove public and backgroundColor fields from pageForm. This is as easy as it sounds.

Comment Out Fields

Let’s head over to components/pages/PageForm.tsx, search for public, and then comment out (or remove) everything from the div above the label to the div below the condition error rendering. Do the same with the background color.

      {/* <div> */}
      {/*         <Label */}
      {/*           className={cn( */}
      {/*             "mb-2 inline-block", */}
      {/*             errors?.public ? "text-destructive" : "", */}
      {/*           )} */}
      {/*         > */}
      {/*           Public */}
      {/*         </Label> */}
      {/*         <br /> */}
      {/*         <Checkbox defaultChecked={page?.public} name={'public'} className={cn(errors?.public ? "ring ring-destructive" : "")} /> */}
      {/*         {errors?.public ? ( */}
      {/*           <p className="text-xs text-destructive mt-2">{errors.public[0]}</p> */}
      {/*         ) : ( */}
      {/*           <div className="h-6" /> */}
      {/*         )} */}
      {/* </div> */}

Note: I'm only showing the public field being commented out. Make sure to comment out the backgroundColor field as well!

Update Zod Schema

We do have to make a few small additional changes to ensure we still have working client-side form validations.

Head to the lib/db/schema/pages.ts file and update the insertPageParams to:

export const insertPageParams = baseSchema
//  public: z.coerce.boolean(), // DELETE THIS LINE
    slug: z
      .min(5, { message: "Your slug must be at least 5 characters long." }),
    public: true, // add this
    backgroundColor: true, // add this
    id: true,
    userId: true,

This tells the form you it longer needs to receive a public or backgroundColor value.

Update HandleSubmit Function

Next, head back to the PageForm (components/page/PageForm.tsx) and find the handleSubmit function. Add the following two lines to the top of the pendingPage object:

const pendingPage: Page = {
  public: page?.public ?? false, // add this
  backgroundColor: page?.backgroundColor ?? "", // add this
    page?.updatedAt ?? new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " "),
    page?.createdAt ?? new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " "),
  id: page?.id ?? "",
  userId: page?.userId ?? "",

Next, add two lines to the object within the updatePageAction function that is invoked within the same handleSubmit function:

const error = editing
  ? await updatePageAction({
      public: page.public, // add this
      backgroundColor: page.backgroundColor, // add this
  : await createPageAction(values);

Head back to the browser, and hit the edit button on your page, you should no longer see the public or background color field. And you should still be able to edit the page without any form issues.

Two down, two to go!

  • add a new dynamic route /share/:slug for the shareable page
  • remove public and backgroundColor fields from pageForm (we want to gate these features)
  • add and configure Stripe
  • add a new component for users to toggle their page public

Adding Stripe

Ok! Next up, let’s add Stripe. In most tutorials this where they’d say, add these 10 files and these environment variables and then… Not today!

Kirimase Add

Run the following command in your terminal

pnpm dlx kirimase@latest add

and select Stripe…

Yep, we just installed and configured Stripe. In one command. Ok, but does it actually work? Well, let’s follow the next steps

Note: you will need to do the following first:

Follow Next Steps

  1. add environment variables to .env

    You will see 6 new keys in your .env. You can find the secret key and publishable key in your Stripe dashboard, your webhook secret when you run the Stripe CLI, and then the remaining three are api_ids for your products. In this case, you can use one api_id for all three.

  2. run pnpm run db:generate
  3. run pnpm run db:push
  4. run pnpm run dev

Head over to /account. You can see there is a new tile:

Head into billing and you will see three plans.

Run the Stripe CLI

First, let’s get the Stripe CLI running. You can do that by opening a new terminal window and running pnpm run stripe:listen.

Once the CLI is running, click subscribe on the one of the cards on the billing page. This will redirect you to a stripe checkout page. Enter 4242... for each section. Then click subscribe.

Once the payment has successfully been processed (note: you are in test mode so no money is actually changing hands), you will be redirected back to the billing page and should see an updated ui.

How cool is that! Stripe payments integrated in literally one terminal command. So, we can now check that off the list.

  • add a new dynamic route /share/:slug for the shareable page
  • remove public and backgroundColor fields from pageForm (we want to gate these features)
  • add and configure Stripe
  • add a new component for users to toggle their page public

Make it public

What’s next? Onto our final todo item: add a new component for users to toggle their page public.

TogglePublic Component

Make a new file at the following location: app/(app)/pages/[pageId]/_components/TogglePublic.tsx

In that file, paste in the following code:

"use client";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import {
} from "@/components/ui/card";
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
import { updatePageAction } from "@/lib/actions/pages";
import { Page } from "@/lib/db/schema/pages";
import Link from "next/link";
import { toast } from "sonner";
export default function TogglePublic({
}: {
  isSubscribed: boolean;
  page: Page;
}) {
  const pageLink = "http://localhost:3000/share/" + page.slug;
  return (
    <div className="relative">
      {isSubscribed ? null : (
        <div className="absolute w-full bg-white h-full top-0 right-0 z-50 opacity-90 flex items-center justify-center flex-col">
          <p className="font-bold text-lg select-none mb-2">
            You need to subscribe to share this page
          <Button asChild variant={"secondary"}>
            <Link href="/account/billing">Subscribe</Link>
          <CardTitle>Share this page</CardTitle>
            Anyone with the link can view this page.
          {page.public ? (
            <div className="flex space-x-2">
              <Input value={pageLink} readOnly disabled={!isSubscribed} />
                onClick={() => {
                  toast.success("Copied to clipboard");
                Copy Link
          ) : (
                onClick={async () =>
                  await updatePageAction({, public: true })
                Make public

This is a very simple component that adapted from an example on the Shadcn UI examples page. It takes in two props: page and isSubscribed. If the page is not public, it will show a button to make the page public. This is done using a simple onClick handler and then running the updatePageAction, which is one of the server actions that was generated for us. If the page is public, it will show a readonly input field and a button to copy the link to the page to your clipboard. Finally, if isSubscribed ( a prop of type boolean) is false, then it will render an overlay above directing the user to subscribe. It also disables the Make Public button.

Import TogglePublic in our Page

All we have to do now is import it in our route. Let’s head over to app/(app)/pages/[pageId]/page.tsx and insert the TogglePublic component below the first div within the Suspense boundary.

const Page = async ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
  await checkAuth();
  const { page, pageLinks } = await getPageByIdWithPageLinks(id);
  if (!page) notFound();
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
      <div className="relative">
        <BackButton currentResource="pages" />
        <OptimisticPage page={page} />
      <TogglePublic /> {/* <- add here */}
      <div className="relative mt-8 mx-4">
        <h3 className="text-xl font-medium mb-4">
          {}&apos;s Page Links
        <PageLinkList pages={[]} pageId={} pageLinks={pageLinks} />

Now we need to pass it the right props. First, the page, that’s easy.

<TogglePublic page={page} />

But what about isSubscribed?

Kirimase to the rescue again: when we added Stripe, Kirimase generated a function called getUserSubscriptionPlan which returns a host of helpful values. One of them is isSubscribed. All you have to do is add the following code to the page component:

const Page = async ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
  await checkAuth();
  const { isSubscribed } = await getUserSubscriptionPlan();
  // rest of your code

And then pass it into the TogglePublic component:

<TogglePublic page={page} isSubscribed={Boolean(isSubscribed)} />


And just like that. We’re done. Head to the browser, mark your page as public and then check it out at http://localhost:3000/share/your-slug!

And with that, you’re now ready to raise your seed round @ a $100m valuation. Just don't forget to buy a .ai domain first.

Kirimase Out.

Lol, jokes aside, if you have any questions, please join our discord (opens in a new tab) or file an issue on Github (opens in a new tab). I hope you now see how powerful Kirimase is and I can't wait to see what you build with it!